Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The characteristics of Google Adsense Smart Pricing and Its Ways to Overcome It

As a Google Adsense publisher of you have experienced the phenomenon in which the value is very low priced clicks to below $ 0.05 or below 5 cents. If this happens to you, you are hit by smart pricing by the Google adsense.
Smart pricing is a system that adjusts the price per click. Google itself in an official statement on their blog that adsense smart pricing harm caused by the advertiser.
Loss is characteristic advertiser pengeklik adsense ads do not perform any action, such as buying products offered, not a member, do not download, after clicking the ad and then press the back button or simply close the page, visit the advertiser sites less than 10 seconds, etc.. We need to admit that Google is more experienced in the business of PPC (paid per click), so they could monitor the activities of the pengeklik advertising.
Here are some characteristics of the affected accounts affected by smart pricing.Page CTR is very low value to below 2%.The low value page eCPM to below $ 5.Because of the low eCPM page, then the value of clicks too low to less than 1 cent per click. I've got 628 clicks but the earnings gained just $ 4.12.Sites or blogs that have a very common theme, such as forums. Good for adsense sites are sites that have a particular niche.Age site or blog that is less than 1 year. Generally sites of less than 1 year has not been stable and well indexed by search engines.The low keyword density. Keyword density is the percentage of appearance of keywords in the content of the page. A good keyword density is between 3% to 7%. With a lower density then the keyword adsense script to report that your site does not have a specific niche. You can check with free tools such as Submit Express.Smart pricing techniques have overcome the learning package adsense. come on, do not hesitate to learn adsense ...
About The Author
Bie, that's my name. Im just an ordinary blogger.Ea eam labores imperdiet, apeirian democritum ei nam, doming neglegentur ad vis. Ne malorum ceteros feugait quo, ius ea liber offendit placerat, est habemus aliquyam legendos id. Eam no corpora maluisset definitiones.
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